Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nice is nice

I simply love the style of the sixties. The narrow ties, the bouffant hairstyles, the elegant cocktail dresses, the entire world dressed as if about to step out of a 1964 Thunderbird. It seems I was mad about "Mad Men" living before there even were "Mad Men" to be mad about. Or something.

Even the lowly sitcom had panache, to wit the Dick Van Dyke show with the lovely and talented Mary Tyler Moore. Both trained dancers, in case suburban living should suddenly cause one to burst into song. Which it often did.

And in their third season, the revered Christmas Special, called "Alan Brady Presents". All in all one of the best Christmas episodes of any sitcom (mental note: remember when sitcoms HAD Christmas episodes?)

I'm simply ALL about this hot Santa-On-Santa action- an original song by Persky and Denoff, and Dick and Mary do an engaging dance number. Be sure to listen to Mary's cutesy catty comments at the end of each line, and watch their faces- they are having a great time. An underplayed classic. So decorate the aluminum tree (pride of Manitowoc WI), turn on the four color wheel and enjoy. And yes, Nice IS nice.


Anonymous said...

Just recorded "Fitzwilly" on the DVR the other day. My favorite Dick van Dyke Christmas movie, even with no singing or dancing.

Jeff said...

I watched it on TCM over the weekend. Great minds think alike.

A Lewis said...

And speaking of the 1960s, we are going to see the musical HAIR on New Year's Eve! Can't wait!