Thursday, October 1, 2009

under desert skies

Serena and I awoke on Tuesday to a perfect Desert morning, she for the first time ever. The skies are blue and clear, palm trees framing our vista of the mountains. Fall is here.The temperature has moderated. I worked in the garage yesterday and it was comfortable. This is the perfect time of year to be here.

We are in Palm Springs. It's always been one of my favorite places, and for fifteen years I have told myself if I could figure out a way to make a living here, that I'd move in a heartbeat. With the imploding LA economy, the time is right to try it if I ever will. An opportunity arose and we are here.

Serena loves it here, she adjusted in a nanosecond. The drive out was uneventful, thanks to a kitty cocktail that allowed her to carelessly slumber, stirring only occasionally to offer a sleepy howl of vague concern. This from the cat who can't be driven around the block. Ahhh, better living through chemistry. I've gotten her a harness, so she can be allowed to explore her fenced-in backyard. I think she'll love it.

So all is well in the World O' Jeff, and in a brand new setting to boot. The strife of Los Angeles will fade into the past. The future is new and very exciting. I'm happy to have you all come along for the ride.

It's like the season where Lucy went to Hollywood, but of course, in real life Lucy had a fabulous mid-century ranch home on Thunderbird. It's about three miles from here. There's so much mid-century here, I'll have my sunday drives booked for weeks to come.

A toast to new beginnings. Lift your glass high.


Texaco said...

cheers, friend.

Ron said...

Congrats on your relo to a calm, friendlier place. Moving to HarborCountry (think Hamptons of Chicago) earlier this summer was a monumental decision for me as well. Leaving a long-term career and the hustle & bustle of a very large metro-area for a peaceful countryside made sense!

I hope to see you over the winter months.

Good luck.

Willym said...

Here's to a new beginning which is really a continuation of a big adventure.

Tanti auguri!

rptrcub said...

Good luck!

Doralong said...

Glass lifted and all the best wishes for you dear heart, Here's to new beginnings!

Birdie said...

I raise a glass to your new home and new hopes. May they both bring you love and luck.

tankmontreal said...

You've moved to Palm Springs! How wonderful is that? Wishing you all good things, World o'.

Dan Huston said...

Big congrats on the move! You are excited to be there I'm sure and I wish you all the best!

Still loving every word you write....

Anonymous said...

Palm Springs ! Wonderful, you'll love it. I trust you have a really good a/c ?