Wednesday, April 16, 2008

winter weight

Spring has arrived in Santa Monica and I'm a bit frustrated. The winter weight, which carried with it the angst from a terrible loss and an intense moving adventure, seems to like it here and has been resisting the notion of leaving anytime soon. I've been trying to find a sensible diet to click with, but its been a challenge this year. I'm trying to resist totally drastic measures like the Master Cleanse because my health insurance is only mediocre.

I did stumble upon this charming commercial for weight loss product from 1957 called Tafon. Check it out. Notice the kind tone of language used throughout. Oh, and try spelling it backwards...

Enter my longtime friend Janine from San Francisco. A good friend and professional writer, we met online in the classic Cadillac enthusiast community back in the 90's. She sent me an email last weekend announcing that she has started her own blog, called the low carb evangelist, dedicated to healthy eating. It's a combination of outreach and reinforcement by accountability for herself. And because she's a very talented storyteller, it's a fun read. And its great for me, because I have a blogbuddy to reinforce my desire to drop the winter pounds. I'm doing her triad- no sugar, no wheat, no flour. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Welcome to the World O'Jeff Blogroll, Janine. Check her out here


Simple Living Blogger said...

Thanks the plub, Jeff! You'll be back in that Speedo before you know it. Hubba hubba!!!

Simple Living Blogger said...

Oops, I mean thanks for the plug! Got so excited I forgot how to type :)

Dennis said...

"... but this camera pictures only what is sees. So if you're overweight, that's how you'd look in the picture, and that's how you'd look to your family and friends you stupid unloveable cow. Seriously, just slit your wrists now. The thought of even looking at you makes me want to wretch."

You weren't kidding about the tone.

janey jay said...

Hang in there Jeff -- as someone who just started her own battle with the bulge, I'll be cheering you on. From the treadmill. Bravo!

tankmontreal said...

Reading cue cards much?