Monday, April 6, 2009

goddamn f*cking commercial

Gotta love Zsa Zsa. Serial marrying, cop slapping, Queen Hating, crazy as bat-shit but still glamorous Zsa Zsa.

The mid-seventies weren't kind to Volkswagen. The dollar-mark relationship had made the inexpensive little Beetle quite expensive indeed. Their temporary solution was to bring the lowly Beetle upmarket, creating a loaded Super Beetle with corduroy interior and sunroof called "La Grande".

And who better to position this luxury compact than Zsa Zsa?

Should I mention she is just the tiniest bit of a Diva?

Well, somehow she managed to finish the godddamn f*cking commercial. Here is Zsa Zsa and her mother Jolie in the finished product:

Oh, and her iconic line:

Nothing like an over the top Diva to brighten a Monday Morning. Cheers, everyone.

1 comment:

Ron said...
