Thursday, September 11, 2008

crisp clear morning

I was uncharacteristically awake at 5 am. Not one of those moments of awake where I then roll over and fall back asleep, but stone cold awake.

I decided to take a pre-dawn drive to relax myself. It's an hour of day where LA freeways are pretty much wide open. I took the 101 to the 405 to Mulholland, and drove back along the apex of the hills on a twisty two-lane mountain road. The sun gradually rose revealing a crisp, clear morning- cloudless and glorious. To my left was the San Fernando Valley, on my right was Hollywood. It all seemed so very serene.

I was smiling and relaxed when I pulled the car back into the garage at just after 6 am. Just what I needed- a glorious morning. Then I came inside and logged onto the computer just in time to read that the first tower had fallen.

To those who were lost, I wish eternal rest and peace.

To the families that are still trying to cope with their loss, I wish love and strength.

To the politicians who have usurped this tragedy and used it to rationalize an aggressive action totally unrelated to this, I wish eternal damnnation.


Ron said...

It's interesting how one can clearly remember their precise location during such an event.

We were setting up a photo-shoot in the North suburbs of Chicago that fateful morning.

The photo shoot was planned for weeks and we couldn't stop. Not just the day, but the entire week following we were glued to the nearest television set, watching the valiant rescue efforts being undertaken in NYC and at the Pentagon.

Seven years later, the Chicago morning was very similar to the weather that day. Bright, crisp and full of life.

Miss Janey said...

Everyone remembers the details of that morning so clearly. We should never forget.

Doralong said...

Oh, there's a very, very special place in hell for them dear.

Anonymous said...

As do I my friend, as do I...

Especially the eternal damnation part.

tankmontreal said...

I cried and cried and cried and cried. Walking around NYC a few weeks later as a tourist, I could barely contain myself. Oftentimes I couldn't and I didn't care. Despite all that's happened since, the memories still makes me weepy.